The first goal on my list of 25 is to take a spur-of-the-moment road trip. My best friend and her husband are very good at doing spur-of-the-moment things. (In fact they got to know each other on a late night road trip to Milwaukee in college.) I really enjoy spontaneous plans...once they are happening, but I am a planner to my very core. I like lists and plans...oh and I really like lists. I just tend to plan my time ahead of time and that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for spontaneity.
This is an topic that my mom and work on whenever we are together for a extended amount of time. I'm a planner...she is not. I love that about her, but we definitely have different approaches. Well, one morning when I was visiting plans got turned upside down. I was working on my quilt and had laundry going when my mom walked in from her bible study and told me to get ready. We were leaving as soon as I was ready. I promptly told her I had no dry less clean ones. She told me to hurry up and go find something. Twenty minutes later I was in the car with my mom and my sister. We picked up two of my favorite women, Teri and Holly and headed out of town. So began my spur-of-the-moment road trip.

We had a great day. We drove about an hour and forty minutes and visited with one of my mom's friends who just moved there and got a tour of her new house. Then we went out to lunch at this restaurant in a really interesting old building. Before it was a restaurant it was a whole bunch of other things including a funeral home during the Great Depression. It is supposed to be haunted by a ghost named Martha, she didn't joins us for lunch. We walked around town and looked in some antique shops, but I think the best place we stopped was on the way out of town. It as refurbished farm called
The Crooked Willow. Each building has been redone and now showcases antiques and boutique kind of merchandise. It is a good thing I have no money, because I could have easily spent it all there.
I just want to say thanks to my mom. I was really surprised and that isn't easy to do. You may not plan like I do, but you can sure plan a great spontaneous road trip! Goal #1...check!
Yours affectionately,
ReplyDeletealso, I think the fact that we are both planners means 1) we get along well 2) we never do things that are totally unexpected. 3) I am not sure how to change that... but sometime in the future (lets say the next 75 years or so) we should try... even just once
Thanks for sharing your "Spontaneous Day" with me. It was fun to see you out of your comfort zone and still able to have fun. I will always have lots of good memories of that day and the fun we had.