Monday, January 10, 2011

Video of the Week Revival

Throughout my time as an undergrad, I sent out a video of the week to some friends.  Over Christmas break they asked me to start again.  So here it is...the return of video of the week, blog style.

I thought I'd start things off with one of my favorite YouTube people.  This guy's name is Mike Tompkins and he covers popular songs and produces them using sounds from only his voice and mouth.

I watched this cover and then watched about 30 seconds of Rihanna's video.  Yeah...that it was wierd...this is much better.  Enjoy!

Your's affectionately

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs - it makes me feel like I get to hang out with you for a little bit each time I read one. Love ya kiddo! MiMi
