Monday, February 28, 2011

Video of the Week

So I really wanted to post the clip from The Office where Jim trains Dwight to want an altoid when he restarts his computer, but it was a no go.  So I went with "Bear, Beets, Battlestar Galactica." Equally funny.

This makes me want to re-watch The Office, but I think it might be one of those shows that is funnier when you watch it with someone.

Yours affectionately,

P.S. Tomorrow is March 1st meaning my goal of posting at least 3 times a week begins.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Video of the Week

The video of the week is a little late this week.  I have had a bunch of projects due.

This week's video...Glee's version of Bieber.  You may not like him, but you gotta respect the power of the Biebes.

New blogging goal for March: Post at least three times a week.  It's going to happen!

Yours affectionately,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Video of the Week

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Here is a little history for your holiday.  This is just one version/part of the history of today, but it is my favorite bit.

Have a great day!

Yours affectionately,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Video of the Week

Day after the Super Bowl.  Could the video of the week be anything but a commercial?

That kid is so both my brothers.  This was definitely my favorite commercial.  There were other ones I thought were funny, like the posh jail playing Kenny G, but this one, in my personal opinion was the best.  Did you have a different favorite?  They are all on youtube...share the link!

In honor of today's video, I will change my customary victorian salutation to something a little bit more space age.

May the force be with you.