Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Semester Almost Gone

So first of all, Genna, I'm sorry I haven't written in a month and that it bums you out.

I have almost completed my first semester in my two-year master's program.  I have learned alot this past semester.  I've learned how do to a reference interview, how to evaluate a children's picture book, how to give a smashing booktalk (if I do say so myself), how to tag a page for xhtml, and how to use UNIX (the basics anyway.)  More importantly I've learned that God wants to take care of me, I just need to let Him; that He loves me even when I feel like a failure; that I am not nearly as independent as I thought I was; and that I need friends around me far more that I thought I did.

I know I should be really happy that I have finished almost a quarter of my master's program, but there is a distinct sadness hidden amongst the joy.  I know I am probably looking to much the future, but it has recently struck me how short my time here in Bloomington is.  When I was moving, it felt like in Bloomington was all I could see.  But that has changed and with that change has come a feeling I can only describe as an eagerness.  A strong feeling that I don't want to miss anything...not a Connexion service, not a C-group event, not one coffee with the girls.

I haven't decided what any of this means yet.  I have decided that I am going to looking forward to whatever the rest of my time in Bloomington brings.  Who knows what else I'll learn.

Yours affectionately,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4 Truths and a Theory

Truth #1: Apples taste better when you eat them without cutting them up.  This is just a fact.

Truth #2: I am a nerd and I really like that about myself.  First, I know way to much about Lord of the Rings and I'm secretly proud of it.  And, just to add to my nerdiness,  last Friday I created a website, I mean I started from a black notepad document and when I finished I had a decent website.  The great part is I enjoyed it.

Truth #3: A friend offered to go with me to give blood.  Now I don't have to go by myself!  Goal #22...Here I come.

Truth #4: Digital readers like the Kindle, will never replace the wonderful feeling I get when I pick up a book and it smells like old paper, dust, and a little like my grandma's house.  New electronics are great, but they can't replace the feeling I get when I'm reading and all of a sudden I realize I've read more than I have left. And I can't put it down becuase I know in my bones the ending is going to be amazing; and slowly the pages on the right grow thinner and thinner as the book comes to an end.

Theory: Graduate students don't give hugs.  A friend told me this last night.  I hope it isn't true or this could be the longest two years of my life.

I would like to always be witty or wise, but most days I feel fanciful instead.

Yours affectionately,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meet Your President Tuesday

So, I know alliteration is more fun, but since I have 3 hours every Tuesday to sit at watch people walk in and out of the little library I work at, I think Meet Your President is moving to Tuesdays. 

I am still in need of a really great creative approach to these little bios, so for now it is just the facts.

George Washington - President Numero Uno.

-Born: February 22, 1732 to Augustine Washington and his second wife Mary Ball Washington.
-His father died in 1743, when Washington was only 11 years old.  He moved in with his half-brother, Lawrence who became a substitute father.  Shortly after a trip to Barbados, in 1752 to cure Lawrence of his tuberculosis, the elder brother succumbed to his illness.
-Washington started his military career in the French and Indian War (1754-1763)  He was sent in 1753 to give the French a warning not to encroach on British territory and when he returned he published his diaries about the difficult and dangerous mission.  When the war ended he returned home a colonel.
-In January, 1759, Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis.  She was already a widow with two children, John ("Jacky") and Martha ("Patsy") when she married George. 
-In 1775 Washington was congress's unanimous choice for commander-in-chief.
-During the Revolutionary War (1775-1783), Martha joined George wherever he was stationed for the winter and tried to cheer the men.
-After the war, Washington hoped he could return home and lead a quiet life, but he felt a duty to accept the electors' unanimous decision and become our first President.
-Sworn In to Office: April 30, 1789 in New York City
-Years Served as President: 1789-1797 (2 Terms) Washington was disappointed when the country split into two political parties by the end of his first term.
-Died: December 14, 1799 of a throat infection, most likely acute laryngitis.  He is buried at his home, Mount Vernon.

I commend any of you who actually read all of that.  I think my favorite part was learning about his wife and the fact that he didn't really want to be president, but he knew he had to set good precedents for presidents after him.

Favorite George Washington quote: "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an 'Honest Man'."

Just for the record, there were some other really great quotes, but I'll limit myself to one.

Yours affectionately,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet your Governor Monday.

So I's meet your President Monday, but...while trying to find a little creative inspiration, I came across this clip of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Congratulations California...the man leading your state government has played the dating game.  I'm not sure it that is awesome or a little frightening, but is definitely funny.

Yours affectionately,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thoughts of the Day

This is the first day I have wanted a Twitter account.  So many thoughts and no one around to share them with.  Some of them are going on here!

1.  God has everything in his indescribably capable hands.  Long story short, some seemingly circumstantial events in the past two weeks culminated in me getting a job today!  There will be opportunities to pick up more than the three hours I'm starting with and it seems like a perfect fit for what I want to do.  The way God uses intricate details to work everything together is so cool.  I don't know what everything means, but I choose to believe that nothing is coincidental.

2. This video makes me laugh.

3. Working with pizza dough and flour is great, but not in a black shirt.

4. I miss pizza nights with Mama Teri and inside jokes with Steve.  Just for the record....
          Balaclava (n.) - a close-fitting garment covering the whole head and neck except for parts of the face, typically made of wool.
          Baclava (n.) - a dessert originating in the Middle East made of phyllo pastry filled with chopped nuts and soaked in honey.

5. Library  Checking out a  Feeling I get from reading that book in less than 10 hours...priceless!

Yours affectionately,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Little Explanation

Some of my goals deserve a little explanation.  Like Donate Blood...yes I realize I'm almost 24 and still haven't given blood.  I just like my insides to stay on the inside.

But hold on...before any of that...I want to explain where "Your's affectionately" came from, mainly because it make me happy.  I thinks is safe to assume that if you know me at all, you know I am a fan of Jane Austen.  Her books, the movies based on her books.  It's all good.  (Side note: We were born on the same day 12/16.  Smile.)  Anyhoo...she used to sign all the letters to her sister with some variation of "Your's affectionately. J.A."  Hence the name of my just makes me smile.  

Back to the goals...

Some of them are just things I think an adult should know/be able to do/have done.
2. Learn how to drive a manual car.
3. Learn how to change a tire.
7. Read the entire bible.
13. Write down and share my testimony.
14. Go on a date.
18. Have my cholesterol checked.
20. Learn about all 44 of our Presidents.

I just think I should have learned/done these three growing up in rural Minnesota.
8. Build a roaring fire on my own.
          My family (*cough* my sister) makes fun of my lack of fire-building skills.  It's kind of sad.
12. Learn how to shoot a gun.
16. Catch a fish and take if off the hook myself.
         If I am feeling particularly spunky I'll even put the worm on myself.  Yeah, don't hold your breath for the worm part.

Why these three...just cause I want to.
19. Whiten my teeth.
21. Read the Five Love Languages book.
25. Finish reading all of Jane Austen's works.

Some these goals have won't make me grow, but come on...they are just fun!
1. Go on a spur-of-the-moment road trip.
6. Get my nosed pierced again.
11. Ride on a Vespa.

4. Write a children's book and have my mom illustrate it.
          Since high school I have wanted to be a published author, but I've never done anything about it.  Well...last year, while working in an elementary school/cashiering at Wal-mart, I kept having ideas for children's book.  (I used to write down my ideas between customers at work.)  I talked with my mom about it and she said she had always wanted to illustrate a children's book.  So I'm putting our aspirations together. 

5. Make the weight on my driver's license true.
          Lying is wrong.  My dad said so.

9. Make a chocolate cake from scratch.
         I should put a qualifier in there...the cake needs to be good.  My mom makes amazing chocolate cake and I want to be able to also.

10. Run a mile in 12 min.
         Why 12 min?  Well...for those of you that never experienced the horror of the presidential fitness test, let me bring you back to middle school.  I don't know what the standard time was then, but I can guarantee that I didn't make it.  Once, I pretended to step off the track and twist my ankle so I didn't have to run the mile with my classmates.  Yeah...I know lying is wrong. (Sorry Dad.)  In my defense, I'll just say Middle School should be called Awful School.  Anywhoo...12 minutes is the adult standard time.  This time I will make the presidential standard.

15. Learn how to french-braid.
          My mom can do it, my sister can do it, the best friend that I grew up with has been French-braiding her own hair since before she could spell "French-braid."  I've always wanted to learn.

17. Get to know my grandparents.
          Everyone has stories, I want to know them.  What better place to start then my grandparents?

23. Write a letter to my 2nd grade teacher.
         Ms. Finkie is one of the people I credit with my love of reading.  She had this great reading program in her classroom that kept me going back for more and more books.  I just want to say thanks.

24. Learn how to whistle.
         Yeah...I can't whistle.  I learned how to blow bubbles with my gum before my sister, but the same day...she learned to whistle.  My victory was snatched from me.  I must learn to whistle, even the piercingly loud whistle you do with your fingers can count.  

Thanks for reading. Starting soon..."Meet the President Monday."'s swell.

Your's affectionately,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

25 Things Before I Turn 25

I'm not entirely sure how to start this lovely blog of mine.  Jane Austen used to start her letters with the phrase, "I am much obliged..."  If it worked for her it is certainly good enough for me.  Ready?

I am much obliged to whomever is reading this...Hi Mom!  Based on the suggestion from a friend and the fact that I have lots of extra time, I have decided to set myself some goals and write about the journey.  25 goals to be specific...all to be completed before I turn 25.  So here they are in no particular order.

1. Go on a spur-of-the-moment road trip.
2. Learn to drive a manual car.
3. Learn how to change a tire.
4. Write a children’s book and have my mom illustrate it.
5. Make the weight on my driver’s license true.
6. Get my nose pierced again.
7. Read the entire bible.
8. Build a roaring fire on my own.
9. Make a chocolate cake from scratch.
10. Run a mile in 12 min.
11. Ride on a Vespa.
12. Learn how to shoot a gun.
13. Write down and share my testimony.
14. Go on a date.
15. Learn how to french-braid.
16. Catch a fish and take it off the hook myself.
17. Get to know my Grandparents.
18. Have my cholesterol checked.
19. Whiten my teeth.
20. Learn about all 44 of our Presidents.
21. Read the Five Love Languages book.
22. Donate blood.
23. Write a letter to my 2nd grade teacher.
24. Learn how to whistle.
25. Finish reading all of Jane Austen’s works.

Some of these deserve a little explanation, but that can wait for another time.  Wish me luck!

Yours affectionately,